Materials: 200g (300g, 300g) Aran/worsted weight summer yarn
Needles: 4 mm and 5.5mm needles or whatever needles are required to obtain the
gauge below.
Gauge: 17 sts = 10cm (4inches) using 5mm needles.
BACK : With 4mm needles, cast on 64 (74, 82) sts. Knit 6 rows.
-Change to 5.5mm needles and beginning with a purl row, continue in st st (P1 row, K1 row) until piece measures 13 ½ ” (13 ½ ”, 14”) from cast on edge ending with a wrong side row.
Armhole shaping:
Work 4 rows, decreasing 1 st at each end of every row. 56 (66, 74) sts. **
Continue without shaping until armhole measures 8 ¼” (9”, 9 ¾”) ending with a wrong side row.
Cast off 4 (8, 12) sts and place a marker to indicate the beginning of the neck opening. Cast off 48 (50, 50) sts and place a 2nd marker to indicate the end of the neck opening. Cast off the remaining 4 (8, 12) sts.
FRONT: Work as for back until **
Continue without shaping until armhole measures 2 (2 ¾, 3”).
Divide for front opening:
Next row: K28 (33, 37) sts, turn and leave the remaining stitches on a stitch holder.
Next row: K 1, purl to the end.
Next row: K to the last 3 sts, K2tog, K1
Repeat these last 2 rows once more. 26 (31, 35) sts.
Work 4 rows in st st, keeping the 1st st of the purl row as a knit stitch.
Shape neck:
Next row: Cast off 8 (9, 9) sts. And purl to the end. 18 (22, 26) sts.
Work 10 rows dec 1 st at the neck edge in every row. 8 (12, 16) sts.
Work 4 (4, 2) more rows dec 1 st at the neck edge on every right side row. 6 (10, 15) sts.
Work 5 (5, 9) rows, dec 1 st at the neck edge on ever second right side row. 4 (8, 12) sts.
Continue without shaping until armhole measures 8 ¼” (9”, 9 ¾”) ending with a wrong side row. Cast off.
Right side front:
With right side facing, rejoin the yarn to remaining 28 (33, 37) sts and knit to the end.
Next row: Purl to the last st, K 1.
Next row: K1, K2tog, K to the end. 27 (32, 36) sts.
Repeat these 2 rows once more.
Work 3 more rows, remembering to work the last stitch of the purl row as a knit stitch.
Shape neck:
Next row: Cast off 8 (9, 9) sts. Knit to the end. 18 (22, 26) sts.
Next row: Purl
Work 10 rows dec 1 st at the neck edge in every row. 8 (12, 16) sts.
Work 4 (4, 2) rows, dec 1 st at the neck edge on every right side row. 6 (10, 15) sts.
Work 5 (5, 9) rows dec 1 st at neck edge on every second right side row. 4 (8, 12) sts.
Continue without shaping until armhole measures 8 ¼” (9”, 9 ¾”) ending with a wrong side row. Cast off.
Join shoulder seams. With right side facing, using 4mm needles, starting at right side of neck, pick up and knit 7 (8, 8) sts from the cast off at front of neck, 21 (21, 23) from right side of front neck, 43 (45, 45) sts from back between markers, 21 (21, 23) sts from left side of front neck and 7 (8, 8) sts from cast off at front of neck. 99 (103, 107) sts.
Knit 4 rows. Cast of in Knit.
With right side facing, using 4mm needles, pick up and knit 84 (90, 96) sts evenly all around the armhole edge. Knit 2 rows, Cast off in Knit.
Sew side seams and joint neck edging at front by sewing or adding a button.
Copyright, 2010 WOOL-TYME Kingston, Anne Woodall